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  • Date:2024-12-02

Welcomes the report of corruption to provide illegal political style reforms views 

  • Telephone:(082)324021
  • Fax:(082)371431
  • Reported Box:Kinmen Post Box No. 21
  • Dedicated report e-mail :f305@kfb.kinmen.gov.tw

Please report on a specific content, and requests to stay true names and addresses or telephone contact, so as to allow the Council to deal with the rapid ties.

Spotted corruption incentives

Under the current Executive Yuan presented the "Award of corruption and dereliction of duty to protect spotted approach", where the corruption cited by the court guilty verdict, The government will depend on the judgments of the Court to report bonus, the amount of at least 20 million New Taiwan dollars, the maximum NT 6 million.

Spotted corruption protection measures

Semiconductor approach provides for the admissibility spotted organs for clues name, age, residence or Habitat all obligations of confidentiality. For clues's report, transcript or other information, except as absolutely necessary, should be kept separate. not attached to the investigative files within. For leakage of violations, according to the Criminal Law and other statutes punishment or sanctions. (Identity is confidential informants)